
Karnali Decision Support Tool (DST)

System-scale planning for hydropower development is about finding the trade-offs between the metrics (variables) that are important to stakeholders. Discussing the trade-offs helps making better decisions that all can agree on, but only if the trade-offs can be made visible and quantifiable. The chart tools in the SSP Map Package have helped to start making the tradeoffs visible. However, analyzing multiple metrics at the same time requires better tools.

The Karnali Decision Support Tool (DST) is an online tool that presents the results of the System Scale Planning model with parallel axis plots. Parallel axis plots are a type of graph that can facilitate the exploration of multiple metrics for many thousands of data points. The user using filters and selections can then interactively explore these. Purpose in our case: to identify solutions and inform discussions around which solutions have acceptable impacts across the multiple criteria.

The user can:

  • Explore multiple portfolios and multiple metrics a more holistic and integrated
  • Make use of Parallel Axis Plots à powerful visualization technique to explore multiple attributes at the same time.
  • Filter portfolios and explore the characteristics (metrics) of each portfolio
  • Set criteria to find a set of “candidate” portfolios for further analysis or exploration
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Karnali Decision Support
Karnali Decision Tool
SSP-HCVR-EOA Training Resource